Guardians of The Galaxy creation
The Guardians of the Galaxy are a band of intergalactic outlaws who teamed together to protect the galaxy from planetary threats. In 2014, they managed to save the planet of Xandar from Ronan the Accuser and have been recognized under the Nova Empire. Several months later, they defeated the Abilisk, attracted the unwelcome attentions of Ayesha and her Sovereign fleet, and defeated Ego.
Four years after that, the Guardians joined forces with the Avengers to stop Thanos from collecting the Infinity Stones. However, Gamora was kidnapped by Thanos who later sacrificed her for the Soul Stone. Despite their best efforts to stop Thanos, they were defeated on Titan. Thanos then arrived on Wakanda and defeated Groot and Rocket Raccoon as well as their allies effortlessly and completed the Infinity Gauntlet, using it to murder half the universe's population. The only survivors among the Guardians were Rocket and Nebula.
The Guardians of the Galaxy were reassembled in 2023 when their members were resurrected by the Avengers, and they assisted in the Battle of Earth against an alternate 2014 Thanos. After the battle, the Guardians departed Earth with Thor joining the group, returning to their adventures in the cosmos while searching for the alternate 2014 Gamora.